It’s spring in the Las Vegas Valley, and temperatures will be heating up again soon. March is one of the busiest times of the year for pool cleaning and maintenance companies, as new customers often come on board. Below are some of the things PoolStar will do to get a customers pool swim-ready.

And if you are one of PoolStar’s existing or long-standing customers, these are the things we do year-round to keep your pool in top condition. (It is always better to maintain a pool than to try to restore it after neglect.)

Ah, spring! The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, and the sun is really starting to warm things up. That can only mean one thing it’s almost pool season! But before you dive headfirst into refreshing waters, your pool needs to be ready. Don’t worry we’ve got you covered.

At each service, PoolStar will:

Carefully remove the cover (if you use one)

Skim and scoop


Manually Vacuum the pool with our battery operated vacuums

Check water chemistry

Balance the chemicals

Address issues (If your pool is green or experiencing certain problems, we may shock the pool to eliminate bacteria or other contaminants. We will also add mineral conditioners and note any other concerns you need to be aware of.)

In the spring and as needed, PoolStar will:

Send you a notice if your water needs to be replaced (Water typically needs to be replaced every 2.5 to 3 years, and our regular testing will indicate when the water quality has declined and needs to be addressed.)

Clean and inspect your filters

Ensure your pool is at the proper water level and check for leaks

Adjust your pump and filter system so that water circulates for the appropriate amount of time based on the season and usage

Notify you of any landscaping issues affecting the quality of your pool water (Some trees and bushes can make it difficult to maintain proper water chemistry and a clean appearance.)

With these steps regularly addressed and completed, all you have to do is enjoy your sparkling clean pool!


PoolStar™ is a Certified Pool/Spa company that is always dependable, professional, licensed, insured and family-owned. We are a growing and exceptional business that provides swimming pool cleaning service and pool maintenance in Henderson and Las Vegas. Our services include pool cleaning, acid wash, green to clean, drain and refill, filter cleaning and more!
Give us a try today! PoolStar™ is so confident in our service quality, that we will price match any other pool service providers for the first month of service in the greater Las Vegas & Henderson areas!

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