A very common issue is the spa water level goes down when the pump goes off. This can be caused by a few things but the mostly likely issue is a check valve issue. A check valve stops the water flowing back through the pipes when a pump goes off and when these fail then the water goes back through the pipes and causes a low water level. There are quite a few types of check valves the most common ones are the Jandy check valve, Pentair check valve and the Ortega check valve. These all perform the same function and can all fail at sometime and may need to be replaced.

Jandy check valve
Below are some troubleshooting tips to perform when experiencing the issue of low spa water levels.
This can be a common issue and is likely caused by either the spa suction being open and there’s not enough water returning to the spa or it’s a faulty check valve. Check the suction side lever that is connected to the spa so see if it’s open. Some have electronic actuator valves that may be set incorrectly and possibly when you put the automation system into spa mode the levers may turn incorrectly. If that’s the case, then they need to be adjusted by the little trip switch that’s on the actuator valve to synch with the control system commands. Check valves are normally on the return side of the plumbing and are common on spa return pipes as well as in-floor cleaning systems. Ensure the arrow on the check valve is pointing in the direction of water flow check where it’s located prior to removing a check valve so it’s put back on the same way as it was removed. Sometimes there’s more than one check valve on the system so it can be a process of elimination to find which one might be the issue. Look for weak spring back when the flap is pushed open and closed. Also look for issues with the rubber seal that goes around the door there’s also a rubber part to the Ortega check valve that gets worn too.
If you have questions regarding the above then call PoolStar the Henderson and Las Vegas swimming pool service company (702) 557-6625