Pool-spa pump prime issues.
When a pump does not flow with water it means it’s not priming and this can cause for the pool not to filter and sometimes depending on what pump the pump can over heat.
When a pump does not flow with water it means it’s not priming and this can cause for the pool not to filter and sometimes depending on what pump the pump can over heat.
It’s important to ensure the CYA level in your pool water is correct as issues will arise if it’s too high or too low.
Choosing the landscaping to be around a swimming pool is an important decision and can greatly affect your pools cleanness and water quality.
The pool industry is always expanding and looking for talent. We are hiring so connect with PoolStar for the opportunity to grow your career.
If you have have low water level in the pool check these basic troubleshooting tips. Doing this could solve the problem and save you money.
To test your salt level in your swimming pool you’ll need to get salt water test equipment. PoolStar uses a digital water proof salinity tester.
Here at PoolStar we are as concerned as everyone with the ever changing status of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We wanted to give you a service update.
The Bottom Feeder is a portable swimming pool vacuum cleaner that has its own battery connected to it meaning there are no cables and hoses.
Here is a basic video on how to clean the Jandy Truclear salt system cell. Follow full details at the manufactures website.
Different forms of chlorine and their pros and cons of each one. The three listed here are among the most common ones used for swimming pool use.
Muriatic acid is used for many purposes on swimming pools some of which is to lower the PH level and also to acid wash a pool or a salt cell.
Swimming pool skimmers are used to catch debris from the surface of the pool by water flow into them from the suction of the pump.
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